Tuesday 30 June 2009

Benefits of milk

Milk contains vitamin A and vitamins D.Besides building strong bones calcium may protect colon cells,ease migrane headaches and help prevent childhood obesity.

1)HEAD TO TOE MOISTURIZER:Thanks to vitamin A and D and lactic acid,milk softens even the driest wintertime skin.Try this bath mixture Drizzle half cup of honey into running water as you fill the tub add 2 cups of warm whole milk

2)EYE GEL: Give cucumbers some rest.Instead dip cotton balls in cold whole milk,wring them out,and apply to eyelids.The fat in milk hydrates parched skin and reduces swelling.

3)PMS FIGHTER (Premenstrual syndrom)Women who get more calcium and vitamin D all month long by drinking either skim or low fat milk have lower risk of developing pms.

4)FERTILITY BOOSTER:If you are trying for a baby add whole milk to your diet .In a harward study women who ate more than one dairy serving were 25%less likely to suffer ovulation .

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